Our passion for the My Little Darling online store began when we were expecting our first child. Like all parents, during the nine months of pregnancy, it's about acquiring baby items and decorating the nursery. During that time, we were also looking for children's toys. We came across many digital toys that we felt limit a child's creativity. That's why we started looking for educational toys that can last for generations. Our toys have a long lifespan and are made from carefully selected natural materials.

About My little Darling
As parents of a young baby boy, we want to choose the most fun and educational toys because we believe it's important for children to learn from their toys. Sustainable development is high on our list, which is why we use wood materials that are not sourced from endangered tree species. The plastic we use is also BPA-free (does not contain harmful chemicals). We search every day for the best toys that we also want to share with others.

Honest and Transparent
At the My Little Darling online store, we want to be honest and transparent when it comes to children's toys. That's why we send our products directly from the supplier to our customers. This way, we can save on storage and transportation costs and offer products at a fair price. Additionally, we cover shipping costs for orders over £25.

Did you know that we donate our returns to charity? We donate the toys to various organizations that can put the toys to good use.
Below is a current list of organizations we have helped;
  • UMC Hospital Utrecht;
  • Speelcadeau Eindhoven;
  • Voedselbank Amsterdam;
  • Speelgoedbank Amsterdam;
  • div. thrift stores throughout the Netherlands.
Do you know of a good second life to donate our toys? Please send an email to info@my-little-darling-shop.com
Magnetic chalkboard My Hummeltje Worm game My Hummeltje